Where We Find Background Information

BackgroundReport.com is known to be one of the best background check companies in the US. We have numerous types of background checks like our standard, basic, and premium background checks. We are one of the few online background check companies with our highly trained, US based, English speaking support staff that offers expert assistance on all types of background checks.
Our thorough background reports are compiled from numerous sources that has taken years to assemble. These are just some of the information sources for our background checks:
Nationwide Criminal Background Check
When you’re around people you really don’t know much about or you suspect something about them, its best to be sure. That’s the watchword with criminal background checks—be sure. Online criminal check investigations should be reliable, comprehensive, fast and affordable. Our services meet all these criteria through our unequaled network of resources and databases from state to county level and the well known NCI—National Criminal Index. Our searches include State Administrative Office of the Courts, State Department of Corrections, and county criminal courthouses (where they are available). Our company provides you access to up-to-date information in the form of professionally organized, easy to read reports. Save time and money, and be assured of the person whom you’re dealing with or offering services to or for you. Anybody of concern to you can be checked and you have the right to check.
Sex Offender Registry Checks
The Registered Sex Offender background search returns results from the sex offender registries available nationwide. Results are compiled in our sex offender background checks.
OFAC/Patriot Act Terrorist Watch List
The OFAC, or Patriot Act, background search includes information gathered from several government agencies to determine if an individual is on any terrorist watch lists or is listed as an international narcotics trafficker. For many employers these are standard background checks.
Social Security Number Trace
The SSN Trace verifies the year and state in which the Social Security Number was issued, as well as cross-checking against the Social Security Death Index (SSDI). The SSN Trace also lists all known alias names, along with previous addresses and telephone numbers. The SSN trace check is a standard feature on all our background checks.