Free Background Checks

Free background check information is available from multiple sources. We have included sources for free background credit checks online on yourself and information on checking other credit reporting agencies, or CRAs for free to protect your identity and reputation. Know what information is being reported about you with a free background check.

Consumer Rights. We hear the phrase all the time with regards to credit reports, identity theft, rental applications, job applications, and other background checks. We know they are important - we hear about violations of Consumer Rights all the time on news reports. What are your rights regarding information that goes into a background check? Why are they important to you?

Free Credit Background Reports

You may already know that you are entitled to a free credit background report each year from the three major credit bureaus TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian. This is for the purpose of reviewing your credit background information to ensure what the bureaus are reporting is accurate. These are just one type of free background check.

However, did you know there are other CRAs, or Consumer Reporting Agencies that provide background checks? These CRAs are also reporting information about you and your credit background.

You have the right to know what information is being reported about your background. This is why these reporting agencies must furnish free background checks on the information they have on file about you at your request? If you have recently been denied credit, or have had another adverse action taken against you (such as being asked to pay a higher amount or have a co-signer when applying to rent a property), you automatically have the right to ask the CRA who provided the information on which that decision was based, for a copy of all information they have on file about you. In simple terms they must provide you with a free background check.

Be Proactive with your background information

Following up with CRAs when you are denied is a critical part of maintaining your reputation. However, it is often too late by the time you get the report to get that great job with a better benefits package or that apartment with the ocean view. It is a fast-paced world these days, and to keep yourself competitive you'll need to be proactive about your background information.

Getting your annual credit reports is one important piece, but checking your background report is another. Identity theft is on the rise, data entry errors are extremely common, and the only person who knows what is correct about your background is YOU. It is important to review your full background report on a regular basis to ensure any information an employer, landlord, or other interested party might see is accurate and up-to-date.

There is a faster and better way than
free background checks uses a patent-pending process to QUICKLY help you discover and correct any inaccuracies on your background check. We provide you with the tools you need to review your report online, add comments, and obtain the information for contacting the jurisdictions that reported the inaccurate information. It can take time to repair your reputation, so be prepared and check your background information before someone else does.

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Call 866-903-2504 to learn more about and our full range of services. Contact us today for your fast and convenient online financial background check.